Badlands Spawn
The 1.18 update brought along new possibilities, such as caves and ravines. You can find all of them in this world, which beautifully shows how far Minecraft has come. There’s an extensive mountain range close to the sea, and you spawn close by on a small island.Another interesting location is near a mushroom field island surrounded by two shipwrecks.When you load into Minecraft for the first time, you’ll notice that there’s a world that the title screen shows. That seed was made famous for the whole community, and with this tribute, you can experience the first time playing this game again.
A Diverse World
Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. This does not effect our editorial in any way.When you first load into this world, you’ll be deposited near a Savanna village, which will let you find food and equipment quickly. There’s a shipwreck nearby, but as if that’s not enough, you can discover an ocean monument close to an underwater ravine.Seed: -7497863297697545553
Large Mountain Range Near the Sea
The badlands are Minecraft’s warmest biome and also the most colorful one. They’re not easy to find in random seeds, making them a treat for gamers who stumble upon one. This seed spawns you right into one, saving you hours of exploring.Fans of the new shipwrecks will also be delighted to hear that there’s one near the mountain.Seed: 420
Hollow Mountain
Seed: -1895276179Here are some of the best seeds for Minecraft 1.18. Read on to find out all about them.Seed: -1824611495
Amazing Lush Cave
This world places you on a single island away from land, where the land is flat and peaceful. However, you can find a shipwreck, village, and ocean monument, all relatively close by.Seed: 1947644297
Mountain Mansion
Other than being a badlands spawn, this one happens to be among the most popular example of its type. There’s also a Ruined portal nearby that you can use later on.What’s more, all village types are included within the world. If you want some diversity, not many other seeds beat this one.
A Special Seed
You’ll need to teleport to a particular location to see the panorama view. Also, there’s a frozen cold cluster in the world under the ocean.Seed: -78688046Seed: -944464326112058009
Large Exposed Cave
This world has you spawn near a Ruined portal, and that’s how you’ll get started. However, about 1,000 blocks away is an ocean with two ocean monuments underwater. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a location like this in other seeds.Minecraft Update 1.18, also known as Caves and Cliffs, is the latest major update for the game. It was released for all platforms in January 2021. As most players know, they can choose to play the game on random worlds or input a specific code that produces a predetermined one. These seeds will work for everyone, allowing two different players to play on identical worlds.
Shipwreck Village
Seed: 2151901553968352745Seed: 8795613549813
Double Ocean Monuments
Players who like mooshrooms will find this world entertaining due to how accessible these creatures are. You can find them with some exploration and even reach the ocean monuments and a village close by. Enjoy the mobless mooshrooms islands, where you’ll always be safe even after dark.Seed: 633155865
Two Mooshroom Islands
Unlike your typical barren cave, lush caves have an active ecosystem full of trees and other plants. This seed contains a prime example of this new biome, and there’s plenty of space to build in. Curious explorers will also find dripstone nearby.With unlimited building possibilities, there’s nothing not to love.
A Single Island
Seed: 32Pillagers are the opposite of the kind and friendly villagers, as they will shoot you on sight. However, if you’re feeling brave, you can spawn next to a pillager outpost. The nearest village is 400 blocks away, and heading there can be risky.
Instant Danger
By spawning into this world, you’ll get to explore one of the largest swamp biomes in Minecraft. Within are three witch huts, and you’ll spawn right near one. It would be best if you got moving immediately to survive.If you’re not sure what biome you want to explore, why not visit all of them? This seed puts you in the center of practically all available biomes, and you’re around 1,500 blocks away from them. The variants are also discoverable if you look hard enough.This seed contains the largest known dripstone cave known to the Minecraft community. It’s a grand sight that is sure to impress you, and the best part is how the majority of the area is exposed. Being at surface level, it has the bonus of being easily accessible.
Get Into the Swamp
Seed: 633155865If that’s not dangerous enough, continuing in the same direction of the village will also lead you to another pillager outpost.Seed: 884288
Pick Your World
Seed: 630244794What’s the luckiest seed you’ve gotten? What biome is your favorite? Let us know in the comments section below.
Caves are great for building hideouts, but they were often smaller in the past. This seed will let you gain access to a hollowed-out mountain, which is full of empty space. If you enjoy Creative Mode, this mountain is perfect for you.